Monday, February 14, 2011

19 Weeks. 1 Day.

I had my monthly check up today, so instead my regular Sunday update I decided to wait until today. Everything is going great!!! My belly is big enough to actually be measured now. Just another step closer to meeting my love! Heartbeat was strong and perfect at 161 bpm!!! Ahh, it was a wonderful Valentine's Day present :) I didn't gain a pound nor lose a pound, which is perfectly fine by me. So we are still at -5 pounds. My goober of a doctor scheduled my ultrasound for Monday the 28th. Another freakin 2 weeks?!?!?!? Seriously? I told you he was againist ultrasounds. Trav is once again on the 'let's not find out' kick. Really?? I thought I persuaded him otherwise. Ugh. We shall see... Regardless if we find out or not, I CANNOT WAIT to see my babay!!!!!!!!

Feeling the baby move around much more now, I missed that feeling so so so much. It's simply ahhhmazing!! Still feeling sick off and on. This morning wasn't very pretty... WHY!? Food doesn't sound good once again  :( I'm sooo hungry, but I don't want anything to eat. It's strange and super annoying. Exhausted 24/7. Not an ounce of energy. Which is a huge obstacle when you have a 2 year old dying for your attention. I'm hoping it ends soon. Or at the very least comes after the baby is born. I get worn out just thinking about TWO kids. A mother of TWO kids!!! OMGosh...Ekkkk :)


Adrien said...

I'm so sorry you're still feeling sick...I think that is by FAR the worst part of pregnancy. And you know what? I was super tired in my second pregnancy, too! I don't remember that AT ALL with Evelyn, but with Grace it was like I just could not get enough energy to function. I think that's what scared me most about having two babies. I could barely keep up with the one I had while I was pregnant. But trust gets so much better! You'll LOVE being a mommy of two! I'm sure you have other friends telling you the same thing. :)

Thanks for the updates!

Christine Pettijohn said...

Man that sucks that you could not find out the sex sooner. I cannot wait until we find out. You could always see if the doctor would drop you a slip of paper with the sex when Travis is not looking. Lol! Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.

Sarah said...

Maybe once Spring comes, I'll get a burst of energy :)