Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love It.

HEY HEY BBF's (ya remember? blogger best friends)!!!!!!

Gosh, I am just so stinkin in looooove with life today! Seriously.
I have a terrible headache, a runny nose, a sore throat, a dirty house, and a huge test in an hour that I really didn't study for (nor am studying right now because I much rather talk to you) BUT I am in such a great mood! I just feel like hugging everyone I see. I want to go out with my girlfriends tonight and just laugh! I want to give my hubby a big ol kiss! I want to take Lukey to the park! I want to go on a walk! I want to go on a slushy roadie and blare the music with the moon roof open!

You can think about punching me in the face right now if you want? Think, don't actually do it. I am a wimp.

Maybe it's the weather? I don't know. Or maybe how caaaute Luke looked in his froggy rain boots this morning? Or maybe it was the ahmazing discussion I had in my Soc class today. It makes me think a lot! a lot! And gets me oober pumped to chase my dream. I will be a Social Worker one day, I will. A great one a that. Maybe even make a difference in the world!!!!

Soooo, I didn't really have the energy to go into Valentine's Day this week. I really don't think it's a big deal. And I have a boy, soooo getting him all dolled up in pink doesn't work. However, I did get an ice cream cake from DQ that we have been enjoying the past two nights, and unfortunately tonight will be our last :(  The baby always wants just a litttllle bit bigger piece than Daddy & Luke. And ok, last night IGA had chocolate covered strawberries that they were going to pitch, sooooo I had to get a few. I felt like such a lard butt sitting in bed eating them. Trav looked over and said uh a little strawberry juice on your belly. HA! Whoops!! Speaking of belly realllll fast. I was looking at it last night. Um, OMGosh. Seriously?! It is getting big at a very rapid rate. Maybe there is twins in there? If not..I have no idea what is going on? I'm not ashamed of it, in fact I adore it but it's a little odd that it has gotten so big so fast? The doctor even commented on it the other day. 11 days & we shall see. Maybe I just have a porker? :) Back to V-Day. I found this letter sitting on the kitchen table.....

Happy Valentine's Day

I want to make this Valentine's Day one to remember. By treating you with something special, I want to give you a gift for the body from my heart. You will receive the gift of relaxation, a wonderful Wife/Mommy Massage and facial.

You will receive one day of pampering from The Envy Spa. A day for you to relax alone. Me, Lukey, and baby want you to have a Wonderful Valentine's Day. I love you!

Now, I highly doubt that Trav wrote this. In fact, I'm 99% sure he didn't. But I don't care! Boys need a little help sometimes. He knew I wanted this oh so bad and he got it. I love him to pieces :)

So life. Embrace it. Cherish it. Love it.

That's all for now, maybe I'll get a little studying done...


Adrien said...

I love your attitude, Sarah! It's infectious. :)

My belly "popped" really fast with Grace. I thought I was having twins for a while there too, haha.

Sarah said...

I'm glad to hear that!! I was watching an episode of Oprah last night. Donald Trump's daughter was on & announced she was FIVE months pregnant & Oprah asked her where the baby was? She looked glorious!!

I have a itty bitty baby bump at this time with Luke. This time... It's just CRAZY!!

Meagan said...

I've always heard that you show a lot sooner the second time around.

And I'm with's nice see someone with such a great attitude towards everything...kinda makes me want to try to keep staying positive!

Sarah said...

I think everyone has been in the Winter Funk! It's defintely time to put our HAPPY Pants on :)

People's FB statuses are about to make me want to go kick my dog. Complaining, Whining, gag.

Kim Luke said...

wait a second. so you havent even had 1 ultrasound yet?!?!?!?! so you could possible have twins in there and not even know?!?! dude. i'd be freaking out!!!!!
Holy Moly!

and I love the positive attitude..keep it up, its helping mine! :)