Tuesday, June 14, 2011

37 Weeks

As I was walking out the door to go to my weekly doctor appointment yesterday, my doctor's office called and moved my appointment to today due to an emergency c-section.

Bad news

My blood pressure was high. Like 156/90 high. They had me lay on my left side for awhile and then checked it again. Still high. After some more laying on the cold bed with a flimsy piece of paper covering me... it was still high. ((I was afraid of this. I have been having dizzy spells and nausea all week))

Good news

Logan's heartbeat 143 bpm!!
2 cm dilated!!
60% effaced!!

But, my doctor wasn't really concerened about the good news. He put me on bed rest & wants me back Friday morning.

I'm in good hands. My mama is helping me with Luke during the day & I have Trav at night..so everything should go smoothly. It's just hard for me NOT to do anything. It's only been a couple hours & I my eye is already twitching. Anytime Logan..anytime :)


Christine Pettijohn said...

I would be the same way. I hate to sit still!!

Adrien said...

Oh my! I'm sure it will be VERY soon! If I were you I'd try to get hooked on a new TV show that you can borrow dvd's for. :) It would pass the time much faster than movies. But we can hope that you won't even need boredom busters for long!

Meagan said...

Ahhhh!! I'm so excited/nervous for you....it could literally be any minute now when little Logan decides to come!! Hope your next appt goes good & your blood pressure goes down. Did they say what they will do if it doesn't?!