Monday, January 30, 2012

Day C -- Credit A Friend

The BFF. Chelsey <3
Hands down,
the closest thing to a sister I have ever had.
If I ever need her, she is there.
Of course she will be late....
but she will be there :)

Chels moved here in 6th grade.
I was in Mr. S's class & in walks this nerdy little girl.
He asked me if I would show her the 'ropes'.
And that was it. BAM!

We live two completely different lives.
I have a husband, and kids, and a mortgage.
She has a bf in Chicago, and a cat named George.

She has seen me at my best
and she has defintely seen me at my worst.
She has stood up for me,
and lied for me,
and made me laugh until I cry.

I absolutely have no idea what I would do without her.
We don't talk
We don't see each other every.single.weekend.
But the moment we do talk,
 it's like not one day has gone by since the last time.
That is a good friendship.

She stood by me on my wedding day.

I consider her family my second family.
My parents call her their other daughter.
And my brothers...well my brothers love her more than they do me!

She loves my boys. All three of them!

Chels has fallen in love. Like real LOVE. They are going to get married.
No, he hasn't proposed. But I know this,
well...because I'm her bff & bffs know these kind of things.
I am over the moon happy for her.
 I love her bf & I know they are perfect for each other!
But... this wonderful bf that makes my bff soooo happy lives in Chicago.
This on the other hand, makes me sad.
I can't imagine her living that far away from me.
But I know, we will still be besties. And I know I will still see her.
It's just not going to be the same.
But, being the bff I am..
I am going to allow her to be happy & move up there with her other half ;)

I found this letter while packing.
She gave it to me the morning I left for McKendree
August 23, 2006
Yes, McKendree that is an hour away :)

Dear Sarah,
         Years ago you gave me this little guy. You told me that I didn't have to be scared of anything. That, I didn't have to worry about and high school would be a breeze. Which you were right, it was a breeze. You know, the night before freshman year started I stuffed this little guy in my backpack and I carried him around with me till the end. (Even though some jerk colored in his hat and gloves).
         Well, since high school is in our past, I decided that I am going to pass him onto you so whatever comes your way you won't be scared. Even though you probably won't need him becauCse you are a hard ass and I am a chicken shit, but he will always be there just in case if you need him. Well I will stop babbling on but one last thing that I want you to know, you are my best friend and I hope we keep in touch (my mom told me that we are only going to be an hour away and that I will be just fine but you know how it is). Well, I wish you the best in life and good luck!

P.S. Don't ask me for help with your homework because I probably won't know what you're talking about anyway. Also, don't ask me to help write your papers...this letter explains why I flunked out of Pre College Comp. Love ya Sarah. Good luck!
Bahahahahaha, I'm sorry Chels.
This is halirious. But I love it!
I don't know what that crazy girl was thinking.
An hour away from each other would end our friendship? Pssshh.
Sounds like a farewell "I wish you the best in life"
Chels...really?! That's the Morman coming out in ya.

Chicago has nothin on us!
This just means on our Skype dates
we will each get our own bottle of wine
instead of having to share one, right :)

Speaking of wine...
We have had our share of drunken moments....

Ahhh, good times. Good times :)

So this is to you my sister from a different mother,
giving credit where credit is due.
Thank you for being my bff,
I love you with my whole heart & soul!


Heather said...

Soooo cute!!! Awesome having a best friend like that isn't it?

Sarah said...

Absolutely!! Especially when you don't have a sister, a bff is the next best thing :)

Chels said...

Sarah I seriously sat at Sausha's kitchen table and was hysterically crying while I was reading this. Not to mention everyone in the famdamily was eating a sandwich. Jaxon asked what was wrong and Sausha replied, "your aunt has hormonal issues." haha love you to bff! BFF's est. 1999

Sarah said...

Awe, it shouldn't make you cry! Ya big sap. I love you too....obviously :)

PS why did you think it was necessary to inform me that everyone was eating a sandwhich?! Lmao.