Friday, January 27, 2012

Checking In


No, I didn't forget about the ABC Challenge. Yes, I have a million things to blog about. School is back in full swing & it takes me awhile to get readjusted to a new routine. Ya know, since my routine changes every 6 months. And well.... we are moving in THREE days!!!!! So I have been packing and changing addresses and cleaning and organizing and well... packing. Everytime I think I'm done packing, there is more to pack!

Thought I would stop by & give you a couple confessions since it is Friday and all!

I confess that.. are you ready for this.. it's weird.. ok. I confess that every.single.time I eat Smacks (ya know, the cereal) my pee smells like it the rest of the day. Idk wtf is wrong with me. I asked Travis if this happens to him and he said I was on dope. PUHLEASE tell me someone else has this 'issue'?!

I confess that it is really pissing me off that my husband keeps losing weight. Like really pisses me off. So, I kicked it into high gear. I am ONE POUND AWAY from my Pre-Luke weight!!! Holla. Haven't seen this number in what, almost four years?!

I confess that even though I am one pound away from that weight, that is no where near my goal weight. FML

I confess that I deleted ohhhh, at least 200 people from my fb and changed to the timeline. In hopes that I can ease myself away from it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to delete it but I just wish I didn't consume my life with it. I even get annoyed with myself when I check it on my phone 937028 times a day.

I confess that it really hurts my feelings when 'people' make jokes about me going to SWIC. Since when is getting an education something to poke fun at people?? Ugh. And I wonder why I feel like dropping out

I confess that I started bawling my eyes out yesterday when we started talking about where we should send Luke to pre-school. I mean waterworks galore. I know every parent goes through this and I'm sure by the time that Logan is ready to go, I'll be ok. Buy my lanta. It's hard. My baby is growing up :(

I confess that we have been living off of plastic silverware for the past two weeks and we are down to a couple knives and spoons. Guess it's an excuse to go out for dinner tonight?? :)

Alright, that's enough from the basket case. Have a great weekend! And if I get some time this weekend, I'll get a couple ABC posts done in advance since we will be busy moving into the new house!! Anyone you curious to hear from for the Guest Blogger?!


Heather said...

I think you should do a Q&A with Luke for your guest blogger.

And HELLO!!! Miss you!

Sarah said...

Hey girl heyyy!! Miss you more!!

Oh! That's a good idea...that could turn...bad LOL

Meagan said...

ummm....totally have the same problem with that cereal!! Which is why I never eat it anymore, it drives me crazy!!

Sarah said...

Are you serious?! That IS crazy! But it is soo good. I have even tried the off brand & it does the same thing. Weird.

Katie said...

I deleted about 100 people from facebook and all "celebrities" from felt so good and I spend so much less time on them now!

Christine Pettijohn said...

I have the same problem with that cereal. Its weird but at least now I know that I am not the only one. As far as SWIC maybe they are just jealous. At least you are getting an education which will get you a decent job.

Sarah said...

Woohoo! I'm not alone. It is the oddest thing in the world.

Thanks Christine. I would like to think so, but I don't think that is the case. People think SWIC is a joke & maybe it is... but I am pursuing a dream and going to SWIC is the only way possible with two babies.