Thursday, July 31, 2014

Liam's Birth Story

Before I get too behind and have to write two birth stories at once...
Let me tell you about Liam's. It was painful. And quick.
It made me reconsider ever having a fourth. Ha.
And now that I am pregnant with my fourth...
It makes me absolutely terrified to go into labor.
November 18, 2012
I had a day date planned with my friend Nicole. Lunch & a movie.
We went to Applebee's where I couldn't get comfortable at the table. Or eat.
But blew it off as...
I'm 9 months pregnant & miserable no matter what I do.
So off to the movies we went.
Through the whole movie..
 I couldn't sit still. I was uncomfortable. And sore. And hot. And thirsty.
I started putting all the pieces together
& realized this is exactly how I felt when I started going into labor with Luke.
 And I just so happened to be with the exact same person.
When I'm ready to have Lane, I am having Nicole take me somewhere.
 She's apparently a good luck charm.
After sucking it up the whole movie..
I demanded asked her to take me straight home.
When I got home.. I didn't say a word to Travis about me not feeling right.
After all.. I did in fact go into false labor 2 weeks prior.
 My doctor specifically told me..
even if I was having contractions..
to not come back in until I couldn't talk anymore.
And well. At that point.. I could still talk.
I remember the boys being hungry & wanting McDonald's.
 All three of them were sitting in the kitchen
 eating McNasty this and McNasty that
while I am sitting in the living room
looking at them in disgust.
 The smell of the food. The sounds of them eating the food.
 I thought I was going to vomit.

I finally made it to bed around 1 or so.
At this point.. I could no longer ignore what was really going on.
I sat there for an hour or so. In the dark.
Counting quietly by myself while my husband was snoring in my ear.
They went quick.
 From 8 minutes to 6 to 3. I got up. Started pacing around the room.
 At that point I knew this was the real deal.
 I couldn't breathe. And I could barely talk.
I brushed my teeth and put on some pants.

It was time to go.

Trav called Candace to come stay with the boys.
 And I kid you not. She was there within 3 minutes. Haha.
 By the time she got here.. I couldn't talk. At all.
I honestly thought I was going to die.
With both Luke & Logan my parents met us at our house
& then followed us to the hospital.
This time...
we didn't have time to wait for them.
They met us on the highway.
It was the longest ride of my life.
By the time we got to Columbia..
I really thought I was going to have that baby in a ditch on Route 3.
Trust me. I know what labor feels like.
My labor with Luke was intense.
 I had Pitocin with Logan. And a C-Section.
I know what contractions feel like. I know pain.
But this was the most excruciating pain I have ever experienced.
Once we got to the hospital..
 Trav didn't even have the car in park and I was already half way in the ER.
I couldn't even tell them I was in labor. Guess they assumed.
 There was no checking me in. Or asking for an insurance card.
 They sat me down in a wheel chair and took me straight upstairs.
 I remember the nurse asking me how far apart my contractions were
 only to answering the question for herself.
I'm telling ya.. no break.
 Contraction on top of contraction.
I felt like I was drowning
 and could only come up for a breath every couple minutes.
When we got up to the room.
There was no peeing in a cup. Or any of that other nonsense.
I took my pants off ever so lady like and got into the bed.
As they were trying to stick an IV in my arm
the nurse informed me that  I was dilated to a SEVEN.
Yep. In true Sarah form. Panic attack. Full blown out panic attack.
 I felt like me entire face was being stuck with a million needles.
My whole body was paralyzed.
 I was in shock.
 I remember my mom wrapping her arms around me tight
&whispering to me that I could do this.
I calmed down and they eventually got an IV in me.
All those pokes left both my arms with ginormous bruises on them for weeks after.
I remember my nurse's name was Sarah.
 At that point I didn't want my husband. Or my mom.
 I didn't want anyone but Sarah.
She was a nurse. She knew that I wasn't going to die.
I needed her to reassure me of that over and over again.
I had an extremely small window to still get an epidural.
Which by the way.. Is extremely hard to have done
when you are having such intense contractions.
Future moms out there.
Get the epidural BEFORE you feel like every bone in your body is being crushed.
 I had nurse Sarah promise to hold my entire body still ya know...
so I wouldn't get paralyzed or even worse..die.
 I got the epidural.
And almost instantly.. had to push.
 Now.. epidurals take about 5 minutes to numb your whole lower body.
 At this point.. only one leg was numb.
That half counts as a natural birth.. right?
The doctor came in as I was on my first push. 
Halfway through the second push the doctor told me
 "Stop pushing! He's here!"
and then I heard the third most amazing sound I have ever heard in my life.
His first cry.
 Liam James was here.
Safe. Healthy. Perfect.
Born on November 19, 2012 at 4:42 a.m.
I not only had him at exactly 39 weeks, just like Luke.
He was also the exact same size as his big brother too
 at 6 pounds 10 ounces and 20 inches long.
10 fingers and 10 toes.
And two adorable dimples :)
 I am nervous about experiencing this all over again in a couple months.
My doctor has already had a discussion with me about how fast this delivery will go.
Which sends me into instant panic mode.
But oh my word.
I cannot wait to get that precious baby boy in my arms
and finally have my happily ever after :)


Erin said...

I had one leg too! Then it all wore off and I popped up and went to the bathroom. Lol. Fack is right!
Where's my picture.

sblind2 said...

OMG- that's amazing!!

Katie said...

So sweet. Those babies make all the work to get them here worth it :)