Thursday, July 31, 2014


might of caught that nonchalant
"dad quit his job" business from yesterday's post.
he did.
almost a month ago now.
it was one of the hardest decisions we have had to make so far
in our marriage. as parents.
it was stressful.
and terrifying.
we lost a night or two of sleep over it.
but ultimately it was the right decision.
trav worked with the same company for 9 years.
he started out at the bottom and worked his way up to the top.
he was making good money.
i was proud of him.
proud of what he did.
of the boss he was.
but with that pride came a lot of sacrifice.
some sacrifices that i was aware of.
and some that i wasn't.
a typical work week was 70+ hours a week.
he worked every saturday. and too many sundays.
there were a few times he worked from 4:30 am until midnight.
most days, weeks, months.. consisted of him going to work
before the boys & i were up.
coming home late. getting a shower. eating dinner. & going to bed.
going to bed only to be called numerous times throughout the night.
questions had to be answered. and sometimes he would have to go back in.
he was on call 24/7.
a few minutes after liam was born.. he got a call.
not a congratulations. a question.
after a few hours of snuggling that brand new baby.
he went back into work.
that was our life. for almost 3 years.
i was a single mom.
our grass would go weeks without getting cut.
he missed ultrasounds and birthday parties.
we would argue over who was more tired.
we were exhausted. and bitter.
but i was proud of him.
once we discussed every single pro & con...
i decided to leave the final decision up to him.
that was a big deal for me.
trusting my husband enough to make such an important decision
not only for himself, but for our entire family without me.
me. me who likes to be in control. have the last say.
so he decided it was time for a change.
and know what?
it was the best damn decision he could of ever made.
i cannot believe how much things have changed in the past month.
how much happier we are. trav. me. the boys.
he gets off when they say he is supposed to get off.
no more late night calls interrupting dinner. or sleep.
he's not nearly as exhausted.
he helps more with the boys. and the house.
he even started on a project that i've been begging him for 6 months to do.
over the past month i have learned..
change is scary.
but sometimes it is necessary.
when you're unhappy with one part of your life
it effects other parts of your life more than you know.
get happy.
whatever it takes to get there. do it.
trust is a powerful thing.
it's good for your soul. and your marriage.
and most importantly.
money does not mean everything.
family does.
i am excited to see where this new chapter in our life is going to take us.
i know wherever trav goes. or whatever he does..
he will be great.
and hopefully not let us starve along the way ;)


Cassie said...

happy for you all!

i lived that life, but i didn't have the husband who was willing to talk and relate. and it ended up for the worst.

a few months ago i WAS that husband. work was taking a HUGE toll on me. physically and emotionally. and i was starting to bring it home. one day jon hit me with a HUGE reality check. and shit got changed the NEXT day! i am so much happier now. but wow, change is scary. jobs are stressful. but LIFE is just SO much more important!!

sblind2 said...

Congrats Travis! It sucks to be at a job and have shitty hours and to be not be appreciated at a place that your at more than your home! So happy he made the change for all of you!

P.S. I really LOVE that your blogging again!

Sarah said...

Did you ever hear that story about the cuss tree? Every night before the husband walked in the door, he would go to the tree in the front yard and cuss him of all the frustrations and worries from work. Then he would go inside & greet his family with a smile on his face. He stressed how important it is to leave work at work.

Happy for YOU that it all worked out! Sometimes we need a "Jon" in our life to hand out those checks ;)

Sarah said...

Thanks Sarah!!! Yes. Appreciation goes a long way.

I'm glad to be back :)

Christine Pettijohn said...

Happy to read your blog again! I agree with this post 100%. Vince has been looking for a new job and that is one of the things that has been an issue. He does not want a job that will take all of his time away from his family but at the same time those jobs pay well. Its a double edged sworn. In the end with Vince family wins out and he keeps looking.

Sarah said...

Thank you Christine!! If ever in doubt.. Always choose family. You will never go wrong :)