Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Power

“When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” --Catherine Ponder

Ok, here it goes....
Lately I have been doing a lot of self-evaluation. Which has led me to working on myself. Scary, right?
I have always considered myself a 'good' person. Truly. I have empathy/sympathy, compassion, and love. All things that a good person possesses. But, that doesn't mean I am a saint. Nor does it mean that I am a wonderful person. I think good is a fair defintion. There are things I have done in my past that I am not proud of. There are things I do right now that I am not proud of. So I am working on my future. I want to go to bed every.single.night knowing that I was the best person I could possibly be that day. I want to be the best role model in the world for my boys.

In order to do that, there are a few obstacles that I have to overcome.
The most important thing I needed to do--to become the person I want to be--is forgive a few people in my life. A few is not an exaggeration either. There really are only a few people in my life that still need my forgiveness. Three to be exact. Totally managable. Two of them were a piece of a cake. I have talked to them both. Told them I was sorry (for anything I had done) and I told them that I forgave them as well (for the things that they had done). It was a huge relief. It felt good. Really good. And whether or not they forgive me is okay. I want my heart and conscience to be free. The reason I had a 'grudge' againist them seems so silly NOW. All those years I had negative feelings towards them could of all been erased if I had just 'let it go'. Sigh, "We do better, when we know better"--Oh Maya you are so wise!

As for the other person, I am still working towards it. In my opinion, this person really does not deserve my forgiveness. However, I deserve to be free from this person. *refer to quote above* Sometimes you can't forgive a person over night. I'm okay with this. As long as I know that I am headed in the right direction, I am at peace with myself.

If you Google forgiveness 1000s and 1000s of links come up..quotes, seminars, steps, programs, etc.
I found a site I thought was sweet and to the point. If you need to forgive someone check it out!

"Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could of been any different"--Oprah

Amen sister! (You know I couldn't of had a post about forgiveness without mentioning my girl)
So here goes nothing to becoming the best person I can possibly be!! :)


Meagan said...

You seriously couldn't of posted this at a better time!! Way to be the bigger person in the situations...not everyone can do that!!

Sarah said...

It felt great! Highly recommend it. I was nervous to be an 'adult' but I am so glad I did it. Someone told me one time you can forgive someone BUT it is completely okay to know that doesn't mean they have to be apart of your new life. That helped too. Forgive not forget. I don't want to make the same mistakes.

I just got a response from the e-mail I sent the other day...

"Sarah I've wanted to say this to you for 4 years now but I was afraid to even think about talking to you because I knew you hate me and you have every right to".....
"The instant I read your message the sun shines a little brighter. Thank you Sarah."

A sigh of relief. Huge weight lifted off my heart. Forgiveness is a cure all for both sides I guess.