Sunday, January 23, 2011

16 Weeks

16 weeks, 16 weeks, 16 weeeeeekkksss :)
So, lets see. I had my monthly check up Wednesday. I lost another pound. The doctor asked me what was going on? Told him all the torture I have been going through the past month. He told me I REALLY need to start taking nausea pills. If I'm not eating enough, the baby isn't getting enough. I was reluctant last month when I was there telling him that I did NOT want the pills. He promised me he would never prescribe me anything that could cause harm to the baby. So, I have the pills...still sitting in their package in my purse. Not because I think they will harm the baby but they specifically say that they CAUSE SEVERE HEADACHES.  Um, no thanks. I'm already having headaches from the dehydration. I don't need to add to them. Oh ya! Dr. Google was right about me being so dehydrated. Even though, I am drinking a gallon of water a day...I'm still dehydrated. And what does my doctor tell me. Drink LOTS of water. Well, apparently that's not working. But he said once I start eating more it won't be as bad. Fingers crossed! And well, still constipated. Sorry guys. Fact of life. Or maybe just my life. I've always had troubles in that department but it has been bad. Real baaaaad. I picked up a bottle of prune juice this morning. Then put it back before I got to the check out. I can't get myself to drink that stuff! I've never had it but everyone says it's terrible! Ugh, I don't know what to do. My next appointment is Valentine's Day. My anti-giving ultrasounds doctor promised that on my next appointment we will schedule for my 20 week ultrasound for the next week. Know what that means?! 4 weeks! 4 weeks til we find out if this fiesty little baby is a BOY or a GIRL!!!!!!!! :)

Cravings, they are uh comin! I should be banned from IGA. I walk in there for milk & bread and somehow spend $50 easy peasy. My good friend mentioned Southside Ribs yesterday morning at uh...8:30 a.m. & I HAD to go there for dinner. I HAD to have their amazing potato salad & baked beans. Yes, that is all I wanted. And thats what I ordered. Then my little innocent waitress came up to me and said 'Mam, they thought they would have enough potato salad for your order but we just ran out' O.M.G. Seriously?!?! I had tears in my eyes. A little dramatic I know. But the hormones are a little out of whack. I complained the rest of the night & took it out on Trav. Poor guy. I really don't give him enough credit sometimes. I go crazy & he just backs away letting me 'go crazy' and well, sometimes laughs.

Oh goodness. Let's hope for a healthy,digestive empty-ing-, non achy, craving filling week!!


Christine Pettijohn said...

I feel your pain on all of that and I am only 8 weeks. Constipation, it sucks and I am not drinking prune juice either. Nasty. The doctor gave me those pills also. They work great but they do give me headaches. I just take one tylendol with them and I do awesome and no headache! Just a thought. Good luck!

Meagan said...

Keegan has problems with constipation and prune juice did nothing for him...granted I mixed it with apple juice because he wouldn't drink it either so now I give him miralax everyday. I'm not sure if you can take it while pregnant but it wouldn't hurt to ask about it.