Friday, January 21, 2011

Confession Friday

This one is for you, Adrien ;)

I confess that I bought a bottle of toothpaste a couple weeks ago and when I took it out of the box, the toothpaste was coming out of the end of the bottle. And instead of pitiching it for saftey reasons, we used it. Just left the lid on and squeezed from top to bottom this time. Thank goodness it is almost out, it was starting to drive me crazy!

I confess that I watched Jersey Shore for the very.first.time last night. Only for my bestie! I think it is probably the dumbest show in the world & my IQ dropped a few points. But, that Snookie. She cracks me up. I saw her on Ellen the other day and I could not stop laughing. Of course, I am making fun of her but... Oh my, I cannot watch it ever again. I am not going to boost their ratings.

I confess that I have to drop Luke off at daycare and be at work in less than an hour & I still have not started getting ready.

I confess that I have almost every single show DVR'd on OWN. Seriously, I love Oprah. It bugs me when people say that they hate her. Really? What do YOU do for others? How are YOU trying to change the world? Some people lack compassion and empathy. And I truly feel sorry for them.

I confess that I really am not digging Luke's daycare anymore. I think his room smells like pee, it just seems dirty to me. And there are a couple of boys in his class that are MEAN! The first day in there, I sat on the floor with him to play with some blocks so he could warm up to the classroom. One boy ripped a block out of his hand, another boy kicked his tower down, and another boy trampled over him and stepped on his hand. I wanted to kick their butts, or their mother's butts! What in the heck? Luke is all boy, but he's not a bully. I'm taking him out in May. I really hope I can find another alternative until then. I feel sick everytime I leave him there :(

I confess that I envy this one woman's blog that I follow. Even though she always has all these powerful posts on how every woman is unique and wonderful and should embrace themselevs, yada yada yada. No honey, I am NOT as amazing as you are and I want to be just like you!

I confess that I have 2 private followers, and it really bugs me. Who are you?? Why are you secretly following me. haha.

I confess that these confessions are a lot harder than I thought they would be! I will try harder next week Mrs. Robert :)

Happy Friday everyone!!!


Adrien said...


I was so ticked when I found out we don't get OWN. I was really excited for a few of the shows, and then the day it launched I got the black screen of death with a "please contact your local provider" message taunting me. Boo.

I confess that I have been on edge for the past week or so, and I'm even driving MYSELF crazy. Poor, Eric. Someone needs to remind him to pick up his crap and not complain when I ask him to change a diaper so I don't have to be mean, anymore. :D

Meagan said...

I confess that I'm not crazy about that daycare either but I don't know where else to take him so I always remind myself of how much he has learned by going there to make myself feel better.

Christine Pettijohn said...

I confess that I am looking forward to a month off of work even if it is for maternity leave and I will have more responsibilities at home.

ASHLEY said...