Monday, March 10, 2014

crabby pants & sunshine

i just erased an entire weekend wrap up post
because i sounded like a little whiny bitch.
a week after i gave up complaining....
really sarah?!
i was extremely crabby yesterday.
and apparently it hasn't wore off yet...
that damn time change got the best of me.
luke & logan were up at 6 am.
and liam didn't wake up until 10 am.
luke went to sleep at 6 pm
and logan & liam didn't go to bed until 10 pm.
ya. it was messed up.
this morning i seriously contemplated not taking luke to school.
i didn't think i had it in me to get 4 people & 2 dogs out the door by 7:50 am.
but i did. in record time. 12 minutes flat.
so let's do the highs of our weekend and skip the lows shall we ;)
lammy was being such a lover friday night.
i could of sat there with him
we got some papa time in on saturday night.
we missed him immensely.
mastering sweet corn cake on sunday.
that went perfectly with my chicken tortilla soup.
this boy laughing hysterically at his big brothers
and this quote.
seriously. fell in love.
just a nice little reminder to just... breathe.
so here's to taking my crabby pants off.
perhaps... actually putting on a bra today.
i opened the windows & the fresh air
is already putting me in a better mood.
i think a little sunshine is just what i need :)
oh! and i wanted to wish my favoritest cousin ever
2 years ago today...
i made the worst MOH speech in the history of MOH speeches.
most embarrassing day of

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