I always, always, always wanted 4 children.
3 boys & 1 girl. In that order.
HA! Do I know how to jinx myself or what?
But when I was pregnant with Liam...
I started to question myself.
Do I really want to do this a FOURTH time?
My pregnancy with him was hard.
I was sick. sick. sick. all the time.
Trav was working 70+ hours a week.
I was chasing around 2 toddlers.
It was a lot.
On the way to the hospital..in labor..
I told Trav...
Even after he was born I felt that way.
I was overwhelmed to put it lightly.
It took me a long time to adjust.
I was getting 'ok' with the idea
of only having 3 children. 3 boys at that.
Trav & I both are 1 of 3.
The 3 Musketeers. 3 mama's boys.
But I never felt complete
after Liam was born.
I still felt like something was missing.
A baby.
I get asked ALL THE TIME if we are going to have another baby?
I get asked ALL THE TIME if we are going to have another baby?
So we started discussing the possibility of just one more.
The first time we have ever discussed having a child lol.
And to my surprise...
"Mr I only wanted one kid" agreed with me.
We even went to the extent of a pros & cons list.
The pros outweighed the cons.
And as hard as it is to admit.. all the cons were selfish.
So the decision was made.
There will be a 4th baby Roscow.
No, I am not pregnant yet.
The pros outweighed the cons.
And as hard as it is to admit.. all the cons were selfish.
So the decision was made.
There will be a 4th baby Roscow.
No, I am not pregnant yet.
I get asked daily.
Trust me. I am not a good secret keeper.
I will let everyone & their mama know when I am.
The other question I get asked A LOT...
"Are you going to be mad if you have another boy"
Um. Excuse me? Are you on crack?
I would be lying if I said I don't want a daughter.
Oh my word. That would be ahhhhmazing.
Just the thought of it makes my heart skip a beat.
But you know what else would be amazing?
A beautiful, healthy baby boy.
I wouldn't trade the 3 I have now for the world.
Pretty positive that I wouldn't trade the 4th one either ;)
Once again. Are you on crack?
Unless baby #4 is a twin. NO way in hell.
4 is my max. For my wallet. For my house. For my sanity.
The moment that baby is safe in my arms...
Dad is making the appointment to get snipped!!!
We even have the names narrowed down.
Yes. For our baby that isn't even conceived yet.
But that's ok. Because for once in our lives, we are planning something.
Want to know them? :)
I will share.. just because I am 99.9% positive we won't change our minds.
PLUS. We are going to do this next pregnancy Trav's way.
We are not going to find out the sex of the baby
AND we are not having anyone in the room with us during delivery.
It's going to be hard, but I am very excited about it too!
Although Luke & Logan were not planned double Ls...
Liam was. I didn't like the idea but Trav said I could
pick any name I wanted as long as it started with an L.
So now I just feel that if we have another boy
we HAVE to have his name start with an L.
So with that being said...
Here is our baby names!!
Lane Francis
Landon Daniel
Ella Grace
Lucy Ann
Yup. I'm in love.
I honestly cannot wait until my family is complete.
So stay tuned...
Trust me. I am not a good secret keeper.
I will let everyone & their mama know when I am.
The other question I get asked A LOT...
"Are you going to be mad if you have another boy"
Um. Excuse me? Are you on crack?
I would be lying if I said I don't want a daughter.
Oh my word. That would be ahhhhmazing.
Just the thought of it makes my heart skip a beat.
But you know what else would be amazing?
A beautiful, healthy baby boy.
I wouldn't trade the 3 I have now for the world.
Pretty positive that I wouldn't trade the 4th one either ;)
Once again. Are you on crack?
Unless baby #4 is a twin. NO way in hell.
4 is my max. For my wallet. For my house. For my sanity.
The moment that baby is safe in my arms...
Dad is making the appointment to get snipped!!!
We even have the names narrowed down.
Yes. For our baby that isn't even conceived yet.
But that's ok. Because for once in our lives, we are planning something.
Want to know them? :)
I will share.. just because I am 99.9% positive we won't change our minds.
PLUS. We are going to do this next pregnancy Trav's way.
We are not going to find out the sex of the baby
AND we are not having anyone in the room with us during delivery.
It's going to be hard, but I am very excited about it too!
Although Luke & Logan were not planned double Ls...
Liam was. I didn't like the idea but Trav said I could
pick any name I wanted as long as it started with an L.
So now I just feel that if we have another boy
we HAVE to have his name start with an L.
So with that being said...
Here is our baby names!!
Lane Francis
Landon Daniel
Ella Grace
Lucy Ann
Yup. I'm in love.
I honestly cannot wait until my family is complete.
So stay tuned...
OMG - so many emotions in this posted ... I teared up, laughed and got chills all within the 2 min of reading - whatever you are blessed with whenever the baby will be gorgeous!
Awe, thank you!! Do you feel "complete"?? I'm wondering if that will ever happen for me lol. I already get choked up when I think about only being pregnant one more time, going through labor one more time, having a baby one more time...
sometimes ... I mean being pregnant and going through the labor and holding your baby for the first time is an amazing memory ... I'd take that experience again again, but not the another kid - lol - I'm maxed out.
Sarah!! We are one in the same. But you knew that!
IF we decide to have #4, Eric is getting the big V. That is IT! I know my limits. :D
I love both Ella and Lucy…sweet and feminine. And yes, there's no way you couldn't do an L name for a boy! Are you still thinking the same timeframe as before? If we have another it will still be quite a while down the road…I feel like I'll have one kid just hanging way out in left field. But that's IT. ;)
We are ☺🙏
I just can't imagine being done with the baby stage & then starting all over again. Even though that is probably a smarter choice lol.
4 babies is crazy. Anything more is just insane.
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