Monday, March 3, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up

before we get to my exciting weekend...
let me introduce you to 
my new baby cousin Megan Claire
isn't she just precious?!
i cannot wait to get my hands on her.
a big congratulations to my cousin Brandon & his wife Kelli!!
friday. hmmmm. friday.
i scrubbed toilets.
and made dinner. and washed dishes. and....
ok. let's move onto saturday.
dad took l&l hunting.
so i got a little one on one time with liam.
i seriously adore that boy.
he is my doll baby. literally perfect.
and down right hilarious.
i soaked in every second of our alone time.
once the boys got back. dad was on 'duty'.
i had a lot of stuff on my plate. luckily, i got it all done in time
to celebrate our cousin amanda's 30th birthday!!
we had such a good time!!
dancing. and laughing.
and then we got a call from bradur.
liam woke up in the middle of the night.
which NEVER happens.
so we called it a night and went to see what was going on.
damn toofers.
and someone just needed his mama.
it's funny how you never get out of 'mom mode'
even if you have a buzz on.
got peanut back to bed and called it a night.
sunday was spent building forts
and snugglin. and cooking.
 and movie watching. and oscars.
i mean... what else is sunday for?
and now we are back to monday.
not that it makes much difference to me. ha!
here's to a great week!!!
have you thought about what you are giving up for lent yet?
i'm not catholic. but i still like the idea behind it...

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